5580 & SW5580 Vibration Monitoring Infographic
Rightsize Your Approach With The Right Numbers

5580 &
Our new 5580 & SW5580 smart signal conditioner and switch is designed with rightsizing in mind – the right features at the right price for machinery that doesn’t warrant a full API 670 approach.

Fully configurable design combines the functionality of nine devices with the most common measurements for rotating & reciprocating machinery into a single, universal package.

We pack two channels of full-featured monitoring into a diminutive footprint that is just 2” x 4” x 5” and mounts on a standard 35mm DIN rail.

Other suppliers target API 618 class recips, leaving this important class of ISO-13631 machines largely forgotten. But not Metrix. Our 5580 family is the perfect fit.

Recip monitoring has historically required budgets exceeding $100,000 per throw. We’ve cut that by 10X with a solution that is just $10,000 or less per throw without skimping on features.

No more flying blind with field devices devoid of an HMI. The 5580 provides a backlit LCD display for both channels along with dedicated LEDs that annunciate alarm and OK status.

The 5580’s 2-channel granularity is perfect for smaller machines but you only pay for the channels you use. The result is a big fat zero when it comes to stranded channels and dollars

ZERO additional systems. Our value proposition has always meant leveraging your existing control system for monitoring. It’s in our DNA and the 5580 makes it practical and effective.

Tired of devices that limit buffered output connections to 5m or less? Not with the 5580 – use up to 1000 feet (300 m) of wiring between the 5580 and a Monitoring System or a patch panel.

Every 5580 delivers two channels of reliable signal conditioning with an output in an industry industry-standard ISA SP50 4-20mA format, allowing connection to any control system, anywhere.

The 5580 can function as either a dual dual-channel device with two separate sensor inputs, or as a dual path device that processes a single input into two different paths.

Alarm relays? We packed four of them into the SW5580* ALERT and DANGER for each channel. Choose from solid-state or electro-mechanical relay types.

If a channel goes NOT OK due to sensor faults or other issues, the 5580’s 4-20mA output clamps to 3.6mA, allowing you to reliably detect this condition in your PLC or elsewhere.

We’ve been in business for 55+ years delivering the best value in the business with a legacy of cost-saving, innovative solutions that help improve machinery uptime and safety.

We’ve delivered hundreds of thousands of devices globally in the intervening five decades since our founding. That’s a track record of ISO 9000 quality and world world-class value you can trust.
* Available on SW5580 only